Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Blog 9; "Collateral Murder"

 "Collateral Murder"

  On July 7, 2007, there was an airstrike in Baghdad, which followed the Iraq war. The airstrikes were a series of air-to-ground attacks conducted by two US helicopters in Al-Amin al-Thaniyah, New Baghdad. On April 5, 2010, a third party released a classified US military video of the aimless murder of dozens of people in a small Iraqui suburb. The person recognized as being responsible is held by the name of Julian Assange. Julian Assange is known to suffer from severe health issues.  

    After the publication of this video, Assange had begun to be tracked down by the US government for releasing the video. Though, Assange is not a US citizen so the US government had come up with and developed the false accusations of rape in order to maintain the reason for the ability to arrest Assange. Since there is no legal bias for the reason to arrest Assange since he is not a US citizen, he is being kept locked up in a prison in London, England, without due process or appeal. 
 Due to Assange and his suffering from severe health issues, it is assumed that the government is just going to wait for his death and not drop his case until further notice unless if until after his death. This situation is in regards to the third party (who is Julian Assange) being punished for spreading the truth. This truth was not intended to be or supposed to be exposed so Assange put the government at risk, this being the reason as to why he is getting punished. 

    Due to the fact that he was found as being the third party after anonymity, it proves how severe and official this situation was in the government's control and why he has gotten punished so harshly due to the unwanted exposure of his posting of the video.

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