Thursday, January 20, 2022

Blog 1; Why Journalism?

 Why Journalism?

    It all started for me in 7th grade Biology class. Now I know that it seems a little odd to be getting my inspiration to become a journalist from a Biology class, but that plays a significant part in my story. My teacher had assigned for us to do a reflection on one of our most recent labs where we studied caterpillars as they turned into butterflies. She asked to meet me after class to discuss my work, and I was terrified. Immediately my mind was cluttered with thoughts of failure, I thought I had somehow done the entire assignment wrong. She looked at me and said "This is so beautifully written, I was wondering if you would mind if I share it with our English department to use as an example?" My jaw dropped to the floor. Feelings of relief and pride rushed over me. 

    Ever since that moment of reassurance, I was so much more confident in my writing and even developed a passion for it. Especially writing about my own experiences where I could truly go into detail and help my reader see the story from my perspective. In High School I took all AP and Honors level English and writing courses to improve my skills. I put in a lot of hard work to fine-tune my writing and grammar. 

    I also have a deep passion for traveling. Ever since I was a kid I have been fascinated by exploring new places, even if it was just a new park a few streets down. Once I got older and my parents started taking my siblings and I on trips to other states and countries, my love and passion for traveling only intensified. I was, and still am, fascinated by all of the difference in the world. Different, cultures, foods, clothings, and people. But yet, it all blends together in so many different ways that make our world so unique. 

    When I discovered travel journalism, I knew that it was the thing I wanted to do for the rest of my life. It combines the two things I am most passionate about; writing and traveling. A travel journalist is someone who travels to different places, explores them, studies about their culture and then writes about it. It feels like it was made for me. While it does come with challenges like financial instability, exertion, and not having a lot of time, being able to go out and experience so many new things while sharing those experiences with other people is such a huge dream of mine and makes all of that worth it. I want to allow my readers to visualize the places I am writing about as if they themselves were there. By becoming a travel journalist my hope is that through my writing I can give people a better understanding of unique cultures and help break some of the stigma and stereotypes surrounding them. 

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